the bandit and the monk
a shrine to my favorite yaoi pairing: Tasuki and Chichiri of Fushigi Yuugi...

the hornfreak
Trigun's saxophone-playing, pink shirt-wearing Gun-Ho Gun has his own place here...

'Don't talk to me about morals. We'll both get our lips burned.'  --Midvalley the Hornfreak

the count
a section devoted to the beautiful and perhaps not-quite-human Count D of the Petshop of Horrors...

my e-mail account... comments are always welcome...

Ah, welcome. These are my shrines, each a place designed solely to honor its inhabitants.

Each character has a reason for being here, whether it be that I came to know and love them... or that I could never penetrate the veil of mystery that seems to surround them.

Explore these chambers, and hopefully you will understand why it is that I like each so well.

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